



INDICATED IN: In Seizures (epilepsy)

Mode of Action

LEVETZER-250/500/750 is an anti-epileptic medicine used to treat seizures in epilepsy. Epilepsy is a chronic condition where the patients have repeated fits (seizures) in which the fits affect only one side of the brain, but could extend to larger areas on both sides of the brain. It works by attaching to a protein called SV2A (Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A) on the surface of nerve cells in the brain & suppresses the transmission of nerve signals in the brain & prevents the spread of electrical signals that causes seizures.

Benefits & Usage

LEVETZER-250/500/750 tablets works by suppressing specific brain sites & slowing down the spread ability of abnormal electrical signals given the brain that causes episodes of seizures.


warnings Alcohol

It is unsafe to consume alcohol with LEVETZER-250/500/750 tablets; it may cause serious damage to your kidneys, lungs, heart, and blood vessels.

warnings Pregnancy

Make sure your doctor knows if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

warnings Medicine

Do not take other medicines unless they have been discussed with your doctor.

warnings Liver & Kidney

Should be used with caution in patients with liver & kidney disease.